4-H Program
We welcome you to join Sandoval County 4-H, a community of young people across America who are learning leadership, citizenship and life skills!
Our 4-H program provides a creative and supportive environment in which culturally diverse youth and adults can reach their full potential. Our local County 4-H program works to develop life skills to help young people become self-directed, productive citizens. We also work to empower adult volunteers who multiply the efforts of our local Sandoval County Extension staff.
4-H is for Families! The 4-H program is a family oriented program which empowers youth to reach their full potential by working and learning in partnerships with caring adults. We encourage parents and families to attend activities with 4-H members, including most club and county activities.
The Sandoval County 4-H program consists of 8 traditional 4-H Clubs with 300 members. These clubs meet once a month as a group and participate in many youth educational activities.

To learn more about joining one of these clubs, please contact the Sandoval County Cooperative Extension Service.
- Arroyo Blanco Amigos 4-H Club
- Corralitos 4-H Club
- Cotton City Cottontails 4-H Club
- Cuba Coyotes 4-H Club
- Jemez Mountain Stallions 4-H Club
- Jemez Red Rockers 4-H Club
- Rio Grande Rebels 4-H Club
- Torreon Wolfpack 4-H Club
- 4-H Calendar
See our Calendar for Club meeting dates and times.
- Join Sandoval County 4-H
Click Here to Enroll
- What's Your Role in Sandoval County 4-H? (PDF)
Find out the minimum expectations of Sandoval County 4-H and what your role is as a youth, parent or leader.
New Become a Livestock Ambassador
- Livestock Ambassador Application
Criteria: Senior level 4-H youth that have exhibited a superior level of ambition regarding his/her livestock/equine/poultry/rabbit projects. Senior with a profound interest in animal/equine/poultry/rabbit science, animal production and advocacy. Students that have shown advanced leadership qualities and a willingness to help others. Livestock Ambassador Role: Livestock advocacy, willing to teach and answer questions presented by the public. Produce a 2 minute video about care, feeding and showing your animal project. Attend Sandoval County Fair, possibly NM State Fair, and County Commission meetings. ►Applications are due June 1, 2022.